Our friends from Dios Jumelages have sent us a link to their website where you can see news of their latest events:


Diois Jumelages

Season's Greetings from Diois Jumelages
 Click on the link to see news of their latest events

Sapin de Die


Alleyway in Die View over Die

Die, pronounced 'dee' is in South East France in the valley of the river Drôme, close to the Regional Park of the Vercors Plateau. With a population of about 4,000, the town is an important local centre famous for its sparkling wine - Clairette de Die. Die is also twinned with Frankenau and has international links with Hungary, Italy and Senegal. 

Click on these pages to find out more about Die:




Click here to see more photos of Die by Phil Richards:



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